Transform Your Interior with a Fresh Coat: Expert Painting Tips from Gerber Lumber

Transform Your Interior with a Fresh Coat: Expert Painting Tips from Gerber Lumber

Does your home interior feel drab and dingy? Few things can have a more immediate impact on your home aesthetics than a new paint job. Of course, getting the right paint (and doing the job right) is essential for getting the look you want. Here’s what you need to know.


Choosing the Right Paint

A quality paint job starts with selecting the right paint. Paints with an eggshell or satin finish are usually recommended for interior walls because they strike the right balance of durability and washability. Test paint samples at different times of day and in different lighting to make sure you like how they look. Be mindful of the decor of the rest of the room when selecting colors — generally speaking, a neutral color is best because it will work with any arrangement.


Preparing Your Space

Interior painting can be messy, so you’ll need to prepare your space. Move furniture and other items out of the room — or at least away from the area that will be painted. Cover surfaces that cannot be removed with a drop cloth to protect them from paint drips. Place painter’s tape along areas like the trim, molding, and door frames so you don’t get paint on them, either.


Painting Techniques

A few best practices to consider: if you’re covering up a darker colored paint with a lighter paint, you may need to apply primer first. Primer will help cover the old paint. Use an angled paint brush to paint the corners of the walls and then use a roller brush for the rest. Painting in a W shape and then working across the empty area to fill in empty patches is a commonly recommended practice for quick and effective painting.


No matter which part of the house you plan on painting, you can find everything you need at Gerber Lumber. From paints and primers to brushes and rollers, you’ll find great deals on essential painting supplies for your next home project. Visit us today to check out our current monthly specials on paint supplies!